
Meet AJ and Cami Rimmasch, our favorite in-laws on the Rimmasch side. We met up at Whitney and Jake's wedding in SLC and then decided to have a photo shoot! Oh so much fun. The light was fantastic, the kids were all smiles (well, mostly :D), and Uncle Mark's backyard made for some great backgrounds, don't you think? Magic.

So Happy. :(
Lil' Alec the Cheese factory man.
So Curious :D
Top o' the weddin' cake

I haven't posted in way too long a time. I apologize. To any of you who may still be following this blog, I applaud your loyalty. To those of you who aren't; what the crap?! No, but seriously, just thought I'd throw a little something up to let you all know that I am still taking pictures, but just get a little overwhelmed because, like so many of you, I take way too many :)

1 comment:

The Stratton's said...

That's the truth! I have so many pics... but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love to look at all those moments frozen in time. Speaking of which, I would love any of those precious shots you have of my kids... As if I didn't tell you that enough today!